
There are no limits on the number of people who can attend religious ceremonies. 

You can download a baptism application form by clicking below.

Please leave a message at the parish office indicating the Sunday on which you would like the baptism to take place and we will revert to you regarding availability on that date. Please note that we will not be celebrating baptisms on 18th June or 24th December 2023. In 2024, there will be no baptisms on 17th March, 24th March, 31st March, 16th June or 24th November.

Baptisms take place after the 12 noon Mass on Sundays (Please advise all guests to be in place in the church at 12.50pm)



You have asked to have your child baptised. This is the most important decision you will make for your child. Baptism is not just a celebration of your child’s birth, or a welcoming ritual for your child which is celebrated by your family and relatives. Baptism is an expression of your own faith, and a desire for your child to share that faith. Baptism introduces your child to the Church and makes him or her a part of the family of the Church. The Christian Faith is an adult faith. Your child is too young to ask for baptism. That is why you, as parents, Guardians and Godparents request it for them. Naturally, you want the best for your child. You will be your child’s first teacher and role model. What you say or do in your child’s early years will be the most important influence on the development of your child’s personality and his or her view of the world. It is important that you encourage your child to develop a relationship with God and bring them to our Church, the house of God, often. During the baptism ceremony, you will be asked if you are willing to undertake to tell your child about God our Father, Christ our brother and the Spirit of love. You will promise before all present that you will teach your child to pray. Along with your Godparents, you will be asked to profess your faith, the faith you will pass on to your child. You should think seriously before you make this public commitment. We rejoice with you as you prepare to celebrate this first sacrament with your child. If you have any questions leading up to the day of the ceremony, please feel free to contact us.

A short prayer you might like to say with your child:

Lord, bless us and our child as we look forward to the day of his/her baptism. Watch over and protect us always. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Frequently Asked Questions


What do we need to bring on the day of Baptism?

Apart from coming yourself and bringing your child to be baptised, you will need to bring a candle. You will also need to bring a white garment (usually a white shawl) which is used for your child as part of the ceremony. You may wish to bring a bottle or a soother if your child is an infant. However, do not worry about whether your child will cry during the ceremony. It is perfectly normal for infants to cry.


Do you do ‘private’ baptisms?

In having your child baptised, you are making a public statement that you intend to raise your child in the faith of the church. Your child becomes a member of the church family through baptism. It is an event that has significance beyond immediate family and friends. It is highly appropriate that other members of the Church be present. This is one of the reasons that we baptise children from several families and of different ages in the one ceremony.


Are there any regulations regarding who can be a Godparent?

A Godparent acts as a “Sponsor” for your child. He or she must be at least 16 years old and be a Confirmed member of the Church. Along with parents, Godparents are asked three times during the ceremony “Do you believe…” in the central beliefs of the Christian Faith. They have to be able to sincerely answer “I do”. They promise to support the parents in their task of raising the child in the faith of Christ. Inviting someone to be a Godparent who has no intention of passing on the faith to your child is to do your child a disservice. A baptised non-Catholic may act as a “Witness” for the child at a baptism and may also be termed a Godparent. This is in addition to the two Sponsors. Obviously, it is not a requirement of a non-Catholic Witness to promise to pass on the Catholic faith.


Is there a Fee?

It is normal for families to give a donation to the Church on the day of Baptism. There is no set fee.


We don’t live in the Parish. Can we still have our child baptised here?

 If you do not live in our Parish area, but have good reason to ask for the baptism to take place here, we need a letter of permission from your own Parish community. We also require that you complete any preparation offered by your Parish. In place of a letter, you may ask your parish to sign and stamp our form.